Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Evil of Monsanto

The evil of Monsanto and GMOs explained: Bad technology, endless greed and the destruction of humanity

by Mike Adams

We intend to make our total opposition to Monsanto very obvious in our venue in 2014!

 (NaturalNews) By now, nearly all informed people recognize that Monsanto is widely regarded as the most evil corporation on our planet. But what, exactly, makes Monsanto so evil? Why is Monsanto worse than a pharmaceutical company, a pesticide company or even a weapons manufacturer?
The answer to this question is found in probing the virtue of the corporation in question. As virtuous people, we expect corporations to act with a sense of fundamental human decency. We expect them to behave within the boundaries of respecting human life, honest business practices and reliable science. We (naively) wish that corporations would act like decent human beings.
But they don't. In their quest for profit at any cost, they violate the basic tenets of virtue. They betray humanity. They destroy life. They malign Mother Nature herself, and in doing so, they threaten the very future of sustainable life on our planet.
Here, I unravel the fundamental "violations of virtue" that Monsanto practices on a daily basis. It is these things, I think you'll agree, that make Monsanto a despicable corporate entity and a threat to all humankind.
Corporate greed over service to humanity
Monsanto's actions are designed to maximize its corporate profits, not to serve the people. Its entire seed-and-herbicide business model is designed to trap farmers in a system of economic dependence... to turn farmers into indentured servants who can never return to traditional farming after their soil has been destroyed with Roundup.
Death over life
Monsanto's products cause death. They compromise and violate life. Monsanto's GM corn grown a toxic chemical right inside each and every corn kernel. This corn is what is subsequently eaten by humans.
In a recent scientific study, a shocking 70 percent of female rats died prematurely when fed GMOs. Fifty percent of males died early. Almost all of them died from cancer tumors.
Secrecy over transparency
Monsanto is spending millions of dollars to try to defeat Proposition 37 in California -- a bill which would simply require GMOs to be indicated on food labels.
But Monsanto and other companies such as those that own Larabar, Silk and Kashi do not want consumers to know the truth about GMOs in the foods they buy. (See the GMO boycott infographic here.) They're also spending huge sums of money to try to defeat Proposition 37 so that the food companies can keep GMOs a dirty little secret about the poison in your food.
Plainly stated, these companies do not want you to know what you're eating. And why? Because you're eating poison!
Domination of technology rather than sharing of wisdom
Monsanto does not create technology and then share wisdom with farmers; instead the company patents its GE seeds and thereby claims monopolistic ownership over them. This patent is used to punish farmers!
When Monsanto's GMO seeds blow into the fields of farmers who are trying to avoid growing GMOs, Monsanto uses its patent "rights" to sue the farmers and claim they "stole" Monsanto property!
This is an example of the kind of pure evil Monsanto engages in on a regular basis. From the top company executives to the bottom of the corporate ladder, people who work for Monsanto are engaged in promoting a sickening, unprecedented evil that's spreading across our planet like a black slimy cancer tumor.
That's no coincidence, either, considering that eating GMOs causes massive cancer tumors.
Artificial manipulation of nature rather than honoring of nature
Instead of working with the beauty, the genius and the abundance that has already been engineered into nature, Monsanto seeks to violate nature, overriding healthy plant genes with poison genes that generate insecticides right inside the crops.
Instead of honoring the natural ability of seeds to reproduce generation after generation, Monsanto develops "terminator seed" technology that causes seeds to self-terminate after one generation. This, by itself, is a heinous crime against nature, humankind and planet Earth. It is a crime worse than the Nazi holocaust, for terminator seeds threaten ALL human life on our planet... billions of lives are threatened by the behavior of Monsanto.
Environmental destruction over environmental stewardship
Roundup herbicide devastates soils, rendering them contaminated and unable to produce healthy crops using traditional (or organic) farming methods. Once a farm plot is destroyed with Roundup, that farmer is forever enslaved to a chemical-based farming protocol. It's unhealthy, it's a disaster to the environment, and the actual crop yields are LOWER than with organic farming, over a period of five years or more.
By encouraging farmers to spray literally millions of acres of farmland with Roundup, Monsanto is engaged in a conspiracy to destroy our agricultural heritage and turn us all into "food slaves" that must pay tribute to Monsatan.
Scientific deception over scientific truth
The so-called "science" coming out of Monsanto is some of the most inane, malicious and brutally deceptive junk science ever fabricated by corporate science sellouts. Instead of testing GMOs for long durations on animals, Monsanto-funded scientists test GMOs for a mere 90 days and then adamantly declare the food to be "safe" for a lifetime of consumption by humans.
It's no wonder they didn't run long-term tests: The real acceleration in cancer tumors only emerged after the 90-day milestone in rats.
Even if Monsanto-funded scientists found GMOs to be safe in a "lifetime" feeding study, you couldn't trust those results anyway: Any scientist, politician or media group with financial ties to Monsanto must now be assumed to be compromised and lacking any credibility whatsoever. Monsanto has bought off countless scientists, experts, media writers and politicians. But paying them off doesn't alter reality. Poison in the corn is still poison in the corn, even if you pay a group of sellout scientists to foolishly declare otherwise.
The CHANGE we really need: Corporations with virtue

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Start Of A Project

Sometimes I think that the next Revolutionary War will take place in a vegetable garden. Instead of bullets, there will be seeds. Instead of chemical warfare, there will be rainwater, carefully collected from the gutters of the house. Instead of soldiers in body armour and helmets, there will be back yard rebels, with bare feet, cut-off jean shorts, and wide-brimmed hats. Instead of death, there will be life, sustained by a harvest of home-grown produce. Children will be witness to these battles, but instead of being traumatized, they will be happy, grimy, and healthy, as they learn about the miracles that take place in a little plot of land or pot of dirt.
Daisy Luther

The Growing In A Nutshell Project was born in the ebbing months of 2012. The brainchild of Julie Bluemoon.
Initially it was planned as an educational project to introduce schools and their pupils to the “radical” notion of growing your own food. We felt that with the ongoing corporate take-over of the world’s food supply and the patenting of seeds that a hands on demonstration of small scale horticulture and seed harvesting, coupled with the idea of growing food anywhere, would be a timely project indeed.
As the vast majority of people on our islands live in an urban environment we felt that it would be of benefit to demonstrate at least some of the many aspects of vertical gardening.
We worked hard and by early summer 2013 we had examples of “gutter gardening” and many “grow food anywhere” items. We had lettuce and radishes, onions, chives and carrots growing in anything from damaged kitchen utensils, drainage pipes, old boots even second hand bras! (HH for potatoes) mostly acquired from charity shops. And of course gutters for the vertical gutter gardens.We had dog food tins painted up. You can grow a fairly decent lettuce in a dog food tin. In the centre of the garden we made a raised bed from pallets in which we grew Swiss chards and cabbages. Many people don’t realize that veggies are easy enough to grow. Also on display was a small greenhouse made from recycled water bottles and this attracted a lot of attention.
By the summer it was clear we wouldn’t have enough mature examples to visit schools with before the holidays, so we started considering where we could demonstrate our ideas.
Summer festivals seemed a possible prospect and so we approached the wonderful Glastonbury Festival in Somerset with our plan and were delighted to have our project accepted.
We spent two happy weeks down on the farm and built in that time a lovely little garden (photos of which we include). The Nutshell Garden was greatly admired and many people took a considerable interest. A photographer from Permaculture Magazine arrived to take photos which he later published. The director of the Green Gathering Festival asked if we could do it all over again at that event but unfortunately we had to decline as it would take more organization than we had time for as a lot of our display was only ever intended to be temporary and a lot of our produce was consumed at the Last Night’s Great Feast.
However we intend to make the items on display more permanent with plants being in them from early spring onwards, leaving little to do apart from loading and transporting. Which is a job in itself.
We had a crew of eight but with more examples planned of vertical gardening and ”grow anywhere in anything” items we will need a bigger crew. It can be quite hard work. So we are on the lookout for enthusiasts who might be interested in our project and would like to be involved. You can use the contact  form to contact Julie.
We intend to broaden our base as well to include information and examples of backyard composting, seed harvesting, hydroponics, aquaponics and renewable energy for the smallest of plots.
In the meantime sowing and planting continues down on the allotment.