Nutshell Garden 2014

‘The Nutshell Garden’ is the Facebook page of the “Growing in a Nutshell” project.
The original concept of the garden was based on an idea by Julie Bluemoon in the winter of 2012.
The intention was to create a small mobile gardening display which would be of value to people who wished to grow their own food but were restricted by lack of space. A problem faced by many urban and city dwellers.
Getting started (click to enlarge)
The idea was to demonstrate that food could be grown in containers of all shapes and sizes and even grown vertically. For example, upright pallets or gutter gardens and to hopefully inspire people to experiment and create their own innovations. A south facing wall is ideal.
Steve building our pond

Over the winter of 2012 and on into the summer of 2013 Julie and Gary (sadly no longer with us) grew a variety of vegetables in containers and vertical frames and a raised bed from old recycled pallets. We were lucky enough to be allowed to take the garden to Glastonbury Festival in the summer of 2013. This was a big success and we were invited back this year. We even had some photos published in Permaculture Magazine. Sadly Gary’s bottle greenhouse was missing but Steve and family built a lovely little pond instead.
Thanks to everyone on the Nutshell Crew for all your hard work and enthusiasm. Plans are already being considered for bringing the garden to other venues, perhaps smaller and more local. Any brainwaves you might have can be posted on this page and will be fairly considered. Jonny.

Here's the link:

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